
Are you interested in stocking Kailani The Label in your store?

I am always on the lookout for like-minded bohemian stores to stock Kailani.  While I am a one woman show here at Kailani, I always get excited to see my products sitting beautifully in someone's store. Since it is just me here at Kailani, that makes my products rather exclusive as I am not able to mass produce, making it something of a little more unique. I carefully select retailers based on their location & brand style alignment.

To apply for a wholesale account with Kailani TL, please email the following details through to wholesale@kailanithelabel.com.
↠ Business name: 
↠ Store address (please specify if you are a physical or online only store)
↠ Store owner name or point of contact person’s name
↠ Email: 
↠ Website: 
↠ Social media links:
↠ How did you hear about Kailani The Label
↠ Any other relevant information for me to process your application


I look forward to hearing from you!

Much love,

Alicia x 

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